Jabweb – Passwords Reset..

Jabweb – Passwords Reset..

I still have several websites registered, but not hosted at jabweb.
Last week, I received an e-mail stating that as part of their efforts to improve security, they had RESET ALL PASSWORDS on their system, and that I needed to e-mail them to find out what my new password(s) were.
So I tried it, and the e-mail BOUNCED.
I had used the address epcified in the e-mail.

So I tried logging in via their “client area”, and submitted a ticket. Eventually, they got back to me and asked me WHICH domains I was talking about? Surely they can work THAT out from my e-mail address?
*alarms bells start ringing*

Anyway, it turns out that I’m not affected, as my sites are not hosted with them. My colleague’s site, however, which IS hosted with them, and is LIVE, and commercial, and he’s STILL unable to access PLESK..

Surely, having reset all passwords for security reasons, it’s STUPID to send the passwords out via plain text e-mails? *alarm bells again*

It sounds (to me) like Jabweb have messed-up the passwords database, and had to hurriedly reset them. To make it look like it was intentionanal, they say it’s a “security issue”.. but to cock-up the e-mail address and then send out new e-mails containing passwords?

To say I’m concerned is one way of putting it. *air-raid sirens replace alarm bells*

About the author

q292u administrator

q292u Has been involved in Computing for more years than he'll admit to. Very active in e-commerce, (eBay, Amazon FBA etc) and has been running Wordpress sites for many years. Always on the lookout for new opportunities. My day job is as IT Business Services Analyst, specialising in IFS ERP systems. Really. Oracle Database admin as well..

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